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Website Sales Booster

From website stress to website sales success

Imagine if Google automatically sent you highly targeted visitors who buy your products or book your services straight to your website for free.

Want to learn how to do that?

My how-to course, the Website Sales Booster, walks you through the steps so you can turn every page of your website into a ‘traffic magnet’, attracting a steady stream of visitors who are actively seeking what you sell.

This self-guided course is ideal for coaches, consultants, service providers and small business owners who need more leads and sales.

Introducing the Website Sales Booster

The Website Sales Booster is the ideal online training (self-paced) for solo business owners such as service providers, coaches, consultants and experts, and small-business owners who are frustrated that their marketing isn't working and fed up with continually putting in too much effort for too little return.

This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to master content marketing. From crafting relevant and purposeful content to optimising your efforts for visibility and efficiency, this course is your roadmap to success. 

Imagine if your website did all the heavy lifting when it comes to consistently attracting customers and generating leads and sales.

Implement my website sales success process and that's exactly what you can expect.

Calling all solo or small business owners, freelancers, coaches and consultants.

➨ Were you promised a “Google-friendly” website that makes sales on auto-pilot but left disappointed and disheartened that it’s nowhere to be found on Google and it's definitely not making sales?

➨ Are you frustrated that you’re getting very few visitors to your website even though you’re spending hours on social media - posting, commenting, sending DMs, building relationships, and hustling every single day? Does it feel relentless?

➨ Are you pulling your hair out over spiraling marketing costs when you thought it would be easier and cheaper to attract customers that you know your products or services can help?

Boost website sales

I hear you.

I've lost count of the number of clients who have come to me with this exact same problem.
They'd also figured out that although SEO is the solution they were overwhelmed because SEO sounds scary so they were procrastinating and getting frustrated... are you the same?

What if I told you that SEO is just about increasing your visibility?

Yep, that's it!

And not even overall visibility, you just need to be visible to your ideal clients and dream customers when they are looking for information on the service you provide or the products you sell.

 So, if you feel like your website is just “there” and not doing much...

Firstly, you're not alone, a lot of business owners are in exactly the same boat.

Secondly, this is the reason that I created the Website Sales Booster. I wanted a way to support business owners, just like you, and help them to create the right content with SEO that *actually* works so that their websites do all the heavy lifting when it comes to consistently attracting customers and making sales. 


Our customers love us...


Our customers love us



If you’re thinking – “I really need to stop faffing about with my website and get my act together”, my Website Sales Booster teaches you exactly what you need to do so that your website naturally attracts customers and works harder than you….

Be visible on search and be found by your ideal clients and dream customers at the EXACT moment they want or need your products or services.

✔ Get clarity on EXACTLY what you need to do and the content you need so that your website naturally attracts ideal customers and you make sales with ease, year after year. 

✔ Sit back and enjoy or focus on other parts of your business as YOUR website now works harder than you all day and every day, even while you sleep.

Website Sales Booster

Hundreds of business owners have already benefited from my SEO knowledge and now I’m excited to be able to support even more business owners, just like you, through my powerful online program:
The Website Sales Booster

The Website Sales Booster is a self-study program that comes with my full support. The 19 step-by-step lessons show you how to turn your underperforming website into your hardest-working and most effective sales tool.

Want to increase your visibility and popularity in search so that you attract your ideal customers straight to your website and you make more sales with ease year after year?


Website Sales Booster review

Here’s everything that’s included when you join the Website Sales Booster:

✔️ Instant and lifetime access to my simple-to-follow, proven “Website Sales Success System” so your site scores VIP (Visible, Influential and Popular!) status with the search engines, and your perfect-fit prospects clamour to become your next connection and customer.

✔️ SEO + Sales Booster Digital Bundle: website optimisation strategies that turn every page into a ‘traffic magnet’, attracting a steady stream of visitors who are actively seeking what you sell, and your content converting browsers into prospects and paying clients.

✔️ 6 months of access to my members-only, online SEO+ community, where you’ll have direct access to me to get answers to your burning questions as you go through the course.

Are you ready to set up your website for success by improving your search engine visibility, increasing your impact, and raising your revenues, easily and effectively?

Your investment: 2 monthly payments of £55, or, pay £99 today and save.

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Google has billions of users each day looking to buy products & services just like yours.

Imagine how many MORE SALES you could make if your ideal customers found your website at the EXACT moment they need or want your product or service.


✔ Ideal customer: Identify your ideal clients and dream customers, the questions they ask, their pain points and the language they use.

✔ Perfect solution: Find out how to attract your ideal customers to your website and how to be the perfect solution so they choose YOU.

✔ Websites that wow: Discover the three secrets behind websites that WOW ideal customers and apply them to your website.

✔ SEO magic: Use my simple but powerful SEO strategies to rank highly, be visible to your ideal customers and boost sales.

Are you ready to make sales all day and every day? 

Grab lifetime access to this powerful program, which includes easy-to-follow lessons, power tips, downloadable worksheets and some of my most valuable SEO gold nuggets.

Your investment: 2 monthly payments of £55, or, pay £99 today and save. 

Buy Now

Put your effort in the right place now so you can sit back and enjoy as YOUR ideal customers come to YOU.

And keep coming to you for months and years into the future.


Who the heck am I and why choose me?

✨ If we haven’t met yet, let me introduce myself – I’m Hazel. I’m an SEO Consultant with a passion (and speciality!) to turn poorly performing websites into hard-working and effective sales tools. If you’ve seen me around, you know that I’m a wielder of user-focused SEO strategies that work and I love supporting smaller brands to grow faster, quicker.

Are you next?

Do you have any questions for me? Don't hesitate to shoot me an email to hazel@seo-plus.co.uk and I’ll reply ASAP!


website sales booster


There’s no better time to make a start on turning your website into your most effective sales tool.

A website that continually generates a constant stream of new website visitors and a steady flow of new customers so that you make sales all day and every day will make your life so much easier as a business owner.

Act now - success is yours for the taking

Your investment: 2 monthly payments of £55, or, pay £99 today and save.

Grab your place


Will it work for my business?

I’ve not found a business, service provider or coach yet that it won't work for. I've been in the trenches helping over 300 businesses in the last 24 months alone. These have been all kinds of different businesses. If you're committed to it and you do the work, it will absolutely work for your business.

I already have so much to do, what if I can’t find the time or life gets busy?

When you join the Website Sales Booster course, you’ll get lifetime access to the course content and bonuses which means that you can work through the content in your own time, binge-watch or read when you have time or choose to go through one short session a week. The bite-sized lessons make this super easy to fit in around your business, family and life in general.

Remember too, that this course is all about saving you time and getting your website to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to attracting customers and making sales so you’ll no longer have to give up half your life to social media and the relentless everyday hustle.

I’ve already invested in many courses before and have been totally let down and don’t want my fingers (and bank account) burnt again.

Yup, I’ve been there too! I totally get where you’re coming from and it’s important you know this - if your audience uses Google, then you can make it work for your business.

Or maybe you’re thinking that you don't have time right now and you'll wait?

This makes no sense to me. You need more customers, so why would you wait before doing the work to make that happen? Imagine how many customers you could attract in the next three months or so! Where would your business be three months from now if you are attracting your perfect customers every week starting now? 

What if I get stuck?  It can be a daunting thing when you look at what makes a great website

You'll have direct access to me via a client-only Facebook group where you can ask questions, and also get the benefit of the wisdom of others in the community who have also faced that hurdle.

How does the course work?

The course is set as progressive so the modules will become available as you move through the course. 
Each module has bite-sized lessons. Once done mark them as complete, so you know where you are. You can always go back over any previous lessons at any time. 

Is there a refund policy?

If, after 14 days, you are not satisfied with the course content you can email us to request a full refund - no questions asked. Access to the course and the VIP group will, however, be revoked.

Join the Website Sales Booster here

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "SEO requires constant attention, but getting the basics right, can go a long way in getting on track. Hazel Jarrett's SEO+ has certainly helped us reap results, and for a total novice starting out, certainly comes recommended!"
Maxie Heppell

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I really appreciate what Hazel and her team have done for my company."
Warren Phillips

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Your courses are so easy to follow and have such an impact."
Tania Jones

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I'm a Marketer but I'd always put SEO off because I thought it was going to be just too complex when I came to apply to my own business. Working with Hazel has changed my whole attitude towards it now. It makes an amazing difference plus following Hazel's advice she gives in her products, she breaks things down simply and in a way that even I understand and can apply. Absolute GOLD DUST!” 
Carie Lyndene 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Hazel has such a depth of knowledge on Google and everything SEO, that she’s an invaluable asset to anyone who uses her services or follows her courses. Her in-depth analysis for my own website was fundamental in increasing its usability and rankings – all delivered in plain English. I highly recommend SEO+ – you won’t be disappointed with the results."
Graeme Piper

The Website Sales Booster course helps small and solo business owners to attract a multitude of ideal customers to their websites. By implementing my proven website sales success process, you can work with more of the right people, free from the constant hustle on social media, and without ever fretting about your next client's source.

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 Website Sales Booster
 £99.00 GBP
 £55.00 GBP  ( then £55.00 GBP for 1 months )

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